School communities are full of people who have both the ability and desire to lead. Some lead without knowing it. Most lead without the recognition they deserve. Whether you lead in a classroom, department, building, or district, chances are you know how challenging it can be to identify and develop other strong leaders, and to grow the leadership capacity of your organization as a whole. But ensuring that the leaders around you know their worth, helping them cultivate connections, and growing their confidence can help your whole team move forward together, helping the organization and the people within it to thrive.

Lead from Where You Are offers a down-to-earth, implementable approach to rethinking how we build leadership and community in schools. Dr. Joe Sanfelippo, a veteran principal and superintendent, argues that our focus must be on growing leadership potential all across the community, from students to teachers to staff. We can do this by reflecting on how we build a sense of intention together, how we connect with each other, and how we direct those we lead with compassion and affirmation. Sanfelippo’s frank discussion of the highs and lows of leadership will help new principals and superintendents feel prepared, while also providing useful methods and sound counsel.


Hacking Leadership: 10 Ways that Great Leaders Inspire Learning that Teachers, Students, and Parents Love


Water is amazing and seemingly always finds a way. It has the ability to form, replenish our system, power equipment, and can wipe out entire cities. Leaders have the same properties.  Some end up conforming to their environment as water would with a cup or bowl. Some have the power to wipe out entire populations and others lift the level of the land. The best leaders take little openings and create space for those they lead. They find the smallest cracks of opportunity and create a path that was not there before. They shape the land. They find a way. This is Hacking Leadership.  Education tends to operate from a deficit model.  It also tends to move glacially. Hacking leadership is about finding innovative solutions to issues that have plagued the system for years, and implementing them tomorrow. The focus is on practical application. We all know the problems exist, but knowledge of problems does not make our daily life in schools easier.  Utilizing the tools in Hacking Leadership will allow you and your team to find the openings and create space for those you lead. Space to learn. Space to teach. Space to thrive. You will help change the landscape of public education…TODAY


Crafting the Culture: 45 Reflections on What Matters Most

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Nailing down a precise definition of culture can be tricky; at times, it seems as if culture is more a “feeling” than anything that can be quantified, measured, or seen. Yet, the feeling about culture one gets when entering any school or classroom is palpable and it is relatively easy to distinguish between schools and classrooms with strong cultures from those with less productive cultures. Any leader interested in maximizing their influence on others and the performance of those they lead, whether first grade students, a group of teachers, or a team of business professionals, must be intentional about focusing on the culture they are trying to build and maintain.

Crafting the Culture is a collection of short, targeted insights into school culture from two leaders who speak about culture in presentations throughout the country. The book contains daily reflections on culture that include a focus on specific words and phrases that characterize cultures of excellence. These forty-five short insights into culture will inspire you to think about how you are currently crafting the culture in your own setting.

Each daily reflection in this book includes a meaningful quote about culture–or the specific culture focus of the day–as well as thoughts from the authors on the day’s culture focus followed by reflective questions and action steps for readers to consider. By carving out a few minutes each day to read these inspirational daily passages, you can begin Crafting the Culture in your own setting!

The Power of Branding: Telling Your School's Story

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When is the last time something amazing happened in your school?  How many people knew about it?  The work done in schools all across the globe is spectacular.  Kids gather…learn…leave…and make the world we live in a better place.  So…amazing things happen all the time.  The issue is the stories about schools are being told by people who have no affiliation with schools.  The idea of branding schools isn't about selling kids or making false promises…it’s about promoting the amazing things happening for those not experiencing them on a daily basis. Telling the story of schools helps create a narrative that builds culture and gives everyone in your community an identity.  Utilizing social media and being the chief storyteller in your district is a great way to celebrate the success of students with parents and the community. FIND YOUR AUDIENCE...BUILD YOUR BRAND...CELEBRATE KIDS!!